By Chelsea Franklin, Marketing & Communications Manager
If you evaluate your managed travel program right now, would you say you’re getting your desired returns? Think about it for a minute. Even if you think you’re getting modest returns, we both know you can do better.
Here at Advito, we absolutely believe now is the time to change your approach to how you engage with your suppliers as well as your travelers. We want you to rise above the well-worn, traditional spend management techniques to exponentially increase your returns. We can help you get there with our holistic Dynamic Performance Framework approach.
Taking this approach, we provide ongoing analysis of what’s happening in your program, in the market and in your company with your travelers. Our analysis is backed by stronger analytics, which we’ve developed in-house to include more than just traditional travel and expense data.
This better business intelligence helps us develop impactful insights and recommended actions for you to take throughout the year. Adjusting your program in real time will take your program performance to a whole new level.
Our Dynamic Performance Framework brings two areas of actions together. One is around supplier management. Using our advanced business intelligence, our expert consultants custom-build and implement supplier strategies for your program. We piece together the right product mix, negotiating tactics and dynamic approach so you source and maintain the highest value agreements.
We take action with suppliers when the data tells us the time is right. For example, the preferred hotel rate you negotiated last September may no longer be competitive relative to what’s being offering to the consumer by the time the new year rolls around. It’s time to renegotiate. Or, if one of your preferred hotels is not making its negotiated rate available and it’s a last room availability rate, then it’s time to take action with that supplier.
Our second area of actions is around traveler engagement. For years, we’ve been perfecting our methods to influence behavior and getting proven results. If your travelers don’t understand what you’re trying to accomplish through your travel program, they’re not going to be able to make decisions that support your program goals. We take actions to inform, motivate and satisfy your employees to make them enthusiastic partners in your program.
Building on the previous hotel example, you tried to renegotiate with a hotel and have decided to remove that property from your program. We can adjust your online booking tool to reflect this change for your travelers in a way that will get noticed. So the next time a traveler goes to the market with the removed hotel, a pop-up notification will say: Hotel X is no longer a preferred hotel, please stay in one of the preferred hotels at the top of the list you’ll see below. It can be very visual. It can also have a significant impact on your bottom line. These incremental savings opportunities quickly add up.